History Will Shape Us
by Luis Tinajero
“Few will have the greatness to bend history itself; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation.” (Robert Kennedy) This quote is what history means to me. I feel that the people learn most from the past. Understanding the history of our country is crucial to moving forward. It is also a crucial part of shaping society as a whole.
I am a Liberal Arts Major with an emphasis in Arts and Technology, but I would really love to be involved in teaching history. I would really like to teach at the middle school level or even high school. I have found it very rewarding working with this age group.
When I was in high school I took a U.S. Government class during my senior year, and I remember that a lot people struggled with the class. I was the complete opposite; I really enjoyed learning about how the government of this country works.
I enjoying the entire governmental process, but when I become a history teacher I will enjoy educating my students of the process electing the president of the country. The process that is involved is crucial to understanding the ideas that shape democracy. I feel that because the office of the president is the most well known it is important to understand how the electoral process works. While teaching this area of the government students will learn the function of the Electoral College. _______________________________________________________
The Man Behind the Desk
My name is Luis Tinajero and I am a Liberal Studies major with an emphasis in Arts and Technology. I was born in Mexico but at an early aged moved to California and I was fortunate to attend public school all of my life. I was always in bilingual education and I feel that has given me an advantage, especially growing up in southern California. I would like to become a middle school teacher, either teaching social studies and/or computers.
On my free time I enjoy playing sports, especially soccer. I am very active in my community coaching many soccer teams year round. Currently I coach a boys competitive team and the freshmen girls team at Valley Center High School. I feel that this has opened many doors for me in my own community. Besides playing sport i enjoying listening to music, and traveling as much as possible.
I decided to go into teaching because I feel that it is special when one person can change the lives of hundreds of
students every year. I feel that teaching really crossed my mind as soon I set step foot in my seventh grade social studies class. My teacher was Mr. Ventimiglia. He made learning fun. I was lucky to have him as teacher in tenth grade and twelfth grade as well, and I enjoyed his class just as much as seventh grade. I feel that the role of a teacher is to empower students to become productive citizens in society. I think that being able to empower students will eventually lead to having a more involved in the public.
Feel free to contact me, my email address is tinaj002@csusm.edu
You may also contact me via telephone at (760) 638-0577.
The Importance of Art and Technology Integration for Grade School Learners.
By Dru Macasieb
Art is everywhere. It is in the phones we use to make calls, it is on the shirt we are wearing and not only is art witnessed in physical form, but it can also be witnessed by or social and economical trends. Take for example Apple’s success with the iPod. This elegantly designed mp3 player is a generational icon much like Marilyn Monroe during the 1950s or Beanie Babies of the early 1990s. But it seems that few can stop and appreciate the beautiful designs our culture has come to love. If art is the reflection of life, then art must be worth learning, for it can ignite change.
Throughout my life, I have been interested it art because of its ability to influence and inspire emotional and mental awareness. I have also been fascinated with technology because of its ability to enhance life. Together they create an entity which is both life enhancing and though provoking. During grade school, I had limited art conception and technological experience. I do not want that for m future students. Which is why I am hoping to teach grade school, fifth grade in particular (for it was my favorite childhood grade).
Using the California Content Standards, I plan to immerse my future students in: artistic perception, creative expression, historical and cultural context, aesthetic valuing, and art as it relates to various subject matters and society. I plan not to teach art as a separate subject, but instead integrate it with all other subjects. I also plan to integrate technology as a tool in teaching students. From simple search engines to possible online collaborations, technology is a teaching tool not to be taken for granted.
Using both art and technology, I hope to raise awareness and interest in both fields while teaching elementary subjects such as math and science. The future success of our children relies on a balanced foundation of educational awareness that can be implemented in life. I believe art and technology integration will accomplish this. _________________________
Teaching In Today’s California
By Dru Macasieb
I believe that the educational system in today’s economy needs fresh ideas that are diverse, fair, and, implementable. Today we are faced with an achievement gap that may be attributed to a combination of factors such as wealth and upbringing. I believe the gap is the result of an improper multicultural education by both teachers and students.
Growing up in California I remember learning about Pilgrims and Indians, the Great Depression, Martin Luther King, and other significant heroes and events in U.S. History. But I can’t recall a figure, or group that was inspirational to my race or ethnicity. However, I do vaguely remember celebrating other cultures such as Mexican and Chinese, but it was mostly limited to learning a folk dance or eating a traditional dish. No wonder there is an achievement gap in California that is directly related to race and ethnicity, our educational system does not do a fair amount of multicultural education.

As a teacher candidate, I plan to implement proper multicultural education to all students. I do not plan to see students through “colorblind lenses” for students are different and should be celebrated as such. To me there are no “white kids” or “black kids,” instead there are Americans, Mexican Americans, African Americans, Chinese, Filipinos; and this is what future educators need to realize, that we need to recognize these ethnic identities because they are what makes everyone special.
To often are people of color as seen as the ethnic ones when in reality everyone is ethnic. Everyone has his or her own culture, and not every ethnicity celebrates the same culture. This is what educators must realize, that every individual is different, because it does make difference when a group or individual is singled out.
I believe I will make a wonderful teacher. I plan to educate in a way that will make a difference in narrowing the achievement gap. Students are the messengers of a future that we will never see. I hope that I may send messengers that will look back at our past and see that they have advanced for the better.
Below is my contact information if you have comments and suggestion.
Personal Blog: http://drumacasiebcsusmeduc422.blogspot.com/